What does it mean to be Trail Friendly?
While we do have a checklist of items that all designated Trail Friendly Businesses must complete, the most important factor might be the “friendly” part! Trail users are visiting your business-and they want to feel included in the vibe of your town. They want to know where to eat, what’s cool to do, and of course, where they can fill a water bottle, use the restroom, or get a trail map. Joining the SRT Trail Friendly Business program means that our trail users become your customers, and trail users love to shop and eat in the communities along their hike or ride.
- Training and a Trail Friendly Business package
- Decal to display in store and digital file to use for website and marketing materials
- Listed on the Schuylkill River Greenways website as a Trail Friendly Business (TFB) with business website, location, etc.
- Inclusion in seasonal promotions of TFB, press releases, and other SRG communications
- Social media posts upon joining TFB program
- TFB discounts on SRG events and select merchandise
- Inclusion in SRG app

REQUIREMENTS for Trail Friendly Businesses
1. Create a trail friendly atmosphere:
- Have a welcoming atmosphere for trail users
- Train your frontline staff to answer trail and town questions (SRG will provide this information)
- Display posters and promotional materials for major SRG events as requested
- Complete an annual survey so we can ensure we are serving trail users and businesses
2. Provide at Least three of the following:
- Trail maps displayed
- Availability for trail users to fill up their own reusable water bottle for free
- Access to a public use restroom
- Free Charging stations
- Free WiFi
- Ability to ship customer purchases
- Available first aid kit
- Available basic repair tools for cyclists
3. Choose one of the following:
- Community support-support trail causes and events through volunteering at and SRG event or hosting SRG fundraiser at business
- Trail promotion-have a regular or seasonal promotion for trail users, or name a menu item after the trail
If neither of those options work for your business, you can choose to become a business member of Schuylkill River Greenways for $75 per year.

The Trail Friendly Business Program isn’t transactional, it’s about two great resources building community together. The outdoor economy depends on a healthy local economy and a trail community is at its best when the ties between the businesses and trail are strong.
We hope you will join us to create a thriving business/trail community in your town!