Since its inception in 2006, The Schuylkill River Restoration Fund has enabled local organizations and governments to complete important work throughout the watershed. Each year, our grants team takes on the difficult job of prioritizing applications and selecting the grant winners. As you can see from the stories below, project run the gamut from rain gardens to equipment installations, all with the goal of improving the infrastructure and health of the watershed.
2022 Grant Award Tour
As development increases along the entirety of the Schuylkill River Watershed, so does the danger of damaging stormwater runoff impacting the communities, the residents, and the river. More than half of rainfall in developed areas can become runoff after a storm, pushing debris and pollutants into the floodwaters that eventually reach the river. The 2022 Schuylkill River Restoration Fund’s grantees will be tackling this issue through various projects thanks to the generosity and commitment of corporate donors such as Constellation Nuclear, Aqua Essentials, and PA American Water.
Each year, before we announce the current grant awards, Schuylkill River Greenways and the Schuylkill Action Network offer a bus tour event to showcase what previous grantees have accomplished. The tour began at Charlestown Playhouse with their rain garden. This beautiful garden, designed and installed by Don Pell Gardens, provides bioretention and storm water drainage through hundreds of native plants and shrubs. the project has improved water quality and habitat, and created educational opportunities for students at the school.

The next stop on the tour was Jacob Reiff Park in Lower Salford Township, where Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy completed their stream bank stabilization project this past summer. The project had two goals” to restore 275 feet of stream bank along the west branch of Skippack Creek and to prevent future erosion through 1/25 acres of riparian forest buffer planting. This Conservancy worked in partnership with Lower Salford Township to complete this ambitious project.

After lunch, the group visited a very different, but important project in the Borough of Pottstown. With an aging water infrastructure, the borough was able to install water quality inlet filters at Hanover and Airy Streets (pictured) and another system at Laurel and S. Washington Streets. These filters are designed to capture trash, litter, debris, and sediment which will in turn improve the quality of water running to the Manatawny Creek and eventually the Schuylkill River.

As a significant provider of clean energy in our area, we at Limerick Generating Station are committed to the betterment of our community and surrounding environment. We are proud to partner with Schuylkill River Greenways as we all strive towards strengthening the natural beauty and health of our local ecosystem.
- Frank Sturniolo, Limerick Generating Station Site Vice President