Hill School Erg-A-Thon Will Raise Money for SRG

On Saturday, January 26th, the members of the Hill Crew Winter Erging Program will be participating in an Erg-A-Thon to raise money for the Schuylkill River Greenways National Heritage Area.
Every athlete will be on the ergometer for 30 minutes and will attempt to row as many meters as they can in that time. All ergometer screens will be projected on a large screen, so each athlete will have the opportunity to race in real time against their teammates, and spectators will be able to view their progress.
The Event: 10:00 am, Saturday, January 26th, 2019 in Mercer Fieldhouse
• 30 min Erg Test – SPECTATOR FRIENDLY!
• Learn-To-Erg classes by coaches & athletes. Come hop on an erg and learn how to row!
• Try the new Concept2 ErgBikes!
• Boat and Oar Display – Two of new racing shells will be on display for all to see
• Oar Painting outside (weather permitting)
• Snacks and MUSIC!