Flat Rock Dam Portage Take-out
Portage take-out only. No parking and amenities at this location. (See “Flat Rock Park” for nearby parking, amenities, and services.)
If you are paddling from Flat Rock Park or from up-river of Flat Rock Park, this is your take-out location for portaging around Flat Rock Dam:
A. Long Portage (0.2 mile): Paddle from the Flat Rock Park boat ramp (40.044140,-75.254322) or past Flat Rock Park, if you’re coming from up-river. In about 0.3 mile, start looking for the small portage take-out opening on RR (40.040895, -75.249096). Take out there and carry your boat up the primitive (sometimes poison-ivy choked) path to a service road. Turn left onto that service road and follow it to a fork. Bear left at the fork, then go down past the dam and rip-rap slope to the put-in.
If you are starting your Flat Rock Dam portage at Flat Rock Park, here are two options to consider:
B. Longer Portage (0.3 mile): Drop your boat and gear at the gated-and-locked entrance to the service road, at its intersection with River and Hollow Roads (40.041705, -75.250883). Park your vehicle in Flat Rock Park’s lower lot (40.042654, -75.252110), which is closer to your drop-off location than the main (boat ramp) lot. Carry from the service road gate to the put-in, as described above.
C. Longest Portage (0.4 mile): Park at Flat Rock Park’s lower lot, carry along River Road to the gated service road, and on to the put-in.
See “◊◊ Flat Rock Dam” for map of these portage options. See “Flat Rock Dam Portage Put-In” for re-entry location and guidance.