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Click here to download Daily Plan Sheets
Sojourn Itinerary w. links (1)

Ready to go shopping? Here’s the rundown of what you need:

First time? We’ve got you covered!

We even take care of your vehicle!
Sojourn Shuttle Info
Daily Shuttles
- Single day and multiple day paddlers are welcome to take advantage of daily shuttles.
- Shuttle times vary. Shuttles will arrive to transport sojourners back to their cars once the Sweep Boat has landed at the takeout.
- Sunday and Thursday evening Shuttles will occur after dinner.
- There will be an additional weekend Shuttle Sunday evening that will transport paddlers back to Schuylkill Haven (Saturday’s launch spot).
- Daily Shuttle transports paddlers only – no kayaks/canoes. Paddlers are responsible for transporting their equipment.
Full Trip Shuttle
- $35 must be reserved by June 16.
- Full Trip Paddlers who are using the Full Trip Shuttle (from Philly to Schuylkill Haven) are encouraged to drop off their kayak/canoe and gear at Schuylkill Haven Island Park before dropping their car off at the Schuylkill Haven Senior Community Center. Please park towards the back of the lot.
- Address for Senior Center is 340 Haven Street, Schuylkill Haven. It is a 5–10-minute walk from the Senior Center back to the Schuylkill Haven Island Park.
- Paddlers, kayaks, and gear will be transported from Philadelphia back to Schuylkill Haven on Friday evening.