Brentwood Trailhead is located on Morgantown Road (Rt. 10) near the city of Reading. It was developed through the efforts of the Schuylkill River Greenways NHA and Brentwood Industries. Parking is available for approximately 30 cars at this trailhead which has a paved surface. Although there is a short section of paved trail surface approaching the trailhead the rest of the trail surface is crushed stone at this location. There are short sections of steep grade less than 0.5 miles up-river of this trailhead.
There are no additional facilities at this location although restaurants and shops can be found a short distance away along Route 10 or Lancaster Avenue.
This section of the Schuylkill River Trail is known as the Thun (pronounced Tune) Trail and currently managed by the Schuylkill River Greenways NHA.